Time zones is one of those things that you just don't think about whilst working domestically, but as soon as your work involves international relations, they cause headaches across the board. Here's how you make sure Knowly and Freddie is not one of those headaches:

International trainings

If your can be categorized as international, you need to take time zones into account. We refer to a training as "international" if at least one participant fits one or both of the following criteria:

Note that we use the term international loosely – after all, a trip to a different time zone doesn't necessarily mean going to another country. In any case: If you are dealing with a training that fits the above criteria, this article is for you ☺️

Making sure each participant gets the right time zone

A participant's time zone determines in what time zone Freddie will send his follow-ups. Since the participant has set the times for when Freddie is to send the follow-ups him- or herself, getting the time zone right is crucial for a good experience of Freddie.

Luckily, we've made it easy for you to get time zones right. Here's what you as a trainer need to do:

  1. Make sure your organization has the time zone setting activated (visible in Organization settings if activated). If it does not, just reach out to us through any channel and we'll help you out.

  2. Go to Organization settings and check the box "Set time zone manually". This unlocks a time zone option for both trainers and participants. Note that if you have an issue with time zones, it's better to leave the box unchecked, so as to minimize the amount of choices participants have to make in the classroom.


  3. When creating a training, set the time zone according to where the training is hosted. If you do not, the code might expire earlier than 23.59 in the local time zone.

  4. In the classroom, encourage each participant to choose the timezone where he or she will be during Freddie's coaching. If a participant is going to travel between more than one time zone, tell him or her to choose the first one, and to update from My pages as they travel to a new one.

Time zones of supporters

The time zone of the supporter is set by the participant who chooses that supporter. If a supporter is picked by more than one participant, the supporter's time zone is set by the first participant who chose that supporter.

Note: The supporter's time zone is not possible to change, and will not be updated if the participant's time zone is updated. This isn't necessarily a problem however, since the messages sent to the supporter are mostly triggered by that participant's actions rather than by a specific time.